Configuring Mugatiya

Once you have Mugatiya up and running there are few basic options you can configure. Don't forget that the source code is freely available for you to go crazy!

Turing Test
To configure the Turing Test or the reCaptcha, involves the files below.
  • super
    • host.php
    • supercaptcha.php
By default the turing test is turned on. It is specified on line 36 in the host.php file, and looks like below
define('TURINGTEST', true);

True turns it on and false turns the test off.

Lines 36 and 42 in the supercaptcha.php file contain the private and public keys for the captcha. You may wish to change these or you can continue to use them. If you don't change them, then someone could break this captcha because the private key is visible.

White Listing / Black Listing
The white/black listing is contained in the blockedips.php file
  • super
    • blockedips.php
At line 45 in this file there is an host array and at line 77 there is another array. The first array matches the host and the second array matches the url.

Let us take a look at one of the arrays.
$walledgarden =array(
/*Whitelist proxy checking services*/
"" => 1,

/*Blacklist all affiliate services*/
"" => 0,

For example, this would mean that any request with the host matching "" will be allowed through without the Turing Test even if it's turned on. But anything matching "" will be blocked regardless of the Turing Test.

Blocking affiliates, preserves bandwidth but also protects the websites a user is visiting. If you didn't block them a user could go and click on those sites and it would be declared click-fraud because of the single source (your prox) ip.

Content Rating
You can turn the filter on or off in the Impfunctions.php file.
  • super
    • spr
      • Impfunctions.php
In the Impfunctions.php file on line 27 set this to TRUE to bypass content filtering.
define('STREAMLINE', false);

The content filter will look at the content being displayed and rate it. This allows different ad pages to be shown depending on the rating. If you switch off the content filter then only the ad page for 'Unrated' content will be shown.

The advertisements can be configured in the adds.php file.
  • super
    • spr
      • adds.php
If you have content rating on then the relevant add will be shown. If it's off the add for 'Unrated' will be displayed. If you look at lines 25 to 29 in the adds.php file you can see the advertisements. The G,M,R and U postfixes match the ratings.

$addprefix = "";
$addpageG = "$addprefix/ads/pageG1.html";
$addpageM = "$addprefix/ads/pageM1.html";
$addpageR = "$addprefix/ads/pageR1.html";
$addpageU = "$addprefix/ads/pageU1.html";

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